In the news!
Mask-making chronicles in 2020

1. 15/2/2020 - Channel 8 featuring our workshop
TV Interview - 8 World article
2. 26/2/2020 - Volunteer Workshop with Punggol West
Zaobao article 1
Zaobao article 2
SSOL FB post
3. 8/3/2020 - Interview with ShinMin Daily
SSOL FB post
4. 8/4/2020 - First viral Youtube video (now 5.7mil views)
SSOL FB post
5. 10/4/2020 - Collaboration with Straits Times
What makes an efficient DIY Mask
Straits Times Hand-sewing Video
FB related posts
11/4/2020 - 1
11/4/2020 - 2
6. 14/4/2020 - Masks Sewn with Love involvement
Straits Times article
7. 11/6/2020 - Feature with BBC Click